Attitude - Preparation - Execution

I Spoke the other day about Attitude, here is what attitude looks like as you prepare for Practice.

What player are you?

Mediocre attitude - how many of you actually prepare for practice? Do you shove down a burger, race to the locker room, quickly put on your gear, and then wait to be told what to do?

Professional attitude - athletes will attempt to find a way to prepare better for pratice. Actually having a set routine to follow made up of proper eating, rest and letting go of un-athletic related issues (school, girlfriends, etc).

Everything must be done with intent!

If you want to be a great player, you have to dominate your time.  Repetition is not punishment; it is how you get better.  In order to maximize your ability as a player, you need to spend countless hours working on your body and working on your game; putting up hundred’s of game speed shots, whizzing through countless ball handling drills, hitting countless balls of the tee, catching countless passes, watch game film, and lifting weights & running sprints. This needs to be done on a daily basis for maximum improvement.

Tips to execute better during practice:

  • Take notes during team meetings and/or after practices regarding personal and team performance.


  • Take coaching during practice… get better opposed to just getting through.


  • Have inner competitions: win every sprint, chase teammates on runs, know how many times you were successful in each drill. Do not just survive.


  • Don’t allow your focus to drift. Visualize the gold at the end of the rainbow and what it will feel like.


  • Know the purpose of the drill and what the end result will look like.


  • Never be reminded to give great effort

 Have a great attitude! Prepare to be the best! Execute as a champion! WIN!!