Covid Return to Training Considerations

As schools and sports around the country at all levels continue to start up training or advance to next steps. I thought it would be important to keep trying to educate as we progress through this togther. Thanks to Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning at The Ohio State University Niko Palazeti MS, SCCC, CSCS; for sharing your time and information with coaches at all levels!

COVID Return to Training Considerations

As high school and collegiate student-athletes transition back into structured physical activity, the professional and moral obligations of strength and conditioning coaches are immense. Coaches are accountable for safely transitioning the student-athlete back to physical activity after 3 to 5 months of limited action, prepare the student-athlete for the physical demands for his or her sport, and provide a medically safe environment to prevent the spread of the COVID Virus. Our profession is fighting an uphill battle!

With these objectives clearly identified, the daunting question is where do we start? It is easy to focus solely on programming. Having months to prepare and visualize a triumphant return to training may be enjoyable but not ideal. Instead, focusing on the protocols and procedures necessary to ensure a safe and healthy training environment must be the number one goal of the strength profession. In highlighting the protocols in place at The Ohio State University, the hope is to provide procedures that introduce or confirm the established plans of the coaches referencing this article.   

Orientation before Training

1.       If resources are in place, student-athletes should be tested for Covid-19 before training at an athletic department facility. Student-athletes should also complete a physical exam including baseline concussion testing, sickle cell etc.

2.       Student-athletes should be asked to sign an acknowledgement and pledge form. The pledge is an educational resource for student-athletes and their parents as part of the return to training. It is an understanding of responsibility to keep themselves, fellow students, and the community safe during this crisis. It is not a waiver of liability.

3.       Student-athletes should complete an education orientation that outlines the importance of an organized transition back to activity and their responsibility for reporting signs and symptoms of illness to the medical staff.

Process of Entering Facility

1.       There should be one designated main entrance and one exit, with an organized traffic pattern throughout the facility.

2.       Upon entry, student-athletes should complete a symptom assessment questionnaire, have their temperature taken, and wash their hands before working out.

3.       Besides when they are training, student-athletes should always wear a mask in the facility.

4.       All student-athletes and coaches should remain 6 feet apart, except when the sport dictates a closer distance.

5.       Group sizes should be initially limited to 10 or less, but is subject to increase throughout the summer as guidance changes.

6.       Hydration and fueling stations will be equipped with individual bottled water or disposable cups, as well as prepackaged snacks.

Weight Room Policies

1.       Strength coaches should wear masks when a part of the workout and in common spaces.

2.       Strength coaches should assign the student-athlete to a rack and maintain 6 feet of distance when the student athletes are training.

3.       Personal towel and bottled water should be at each rack, as well as all equipment needed. No crossing of athletes to get equipment.

4.       The strength coach should record each athlete’s weight achieved for designated exercises. No personal workout cards.

5.       There should be no spotting without personal protective equipment. If barbell exercise are in the rack, place safety bar catches higher to ensure safety. Conservative amount of weight should be used.

6.       Sanitizing wipes should be placed between racks. Wipe anything at any time.

7.       At the end of training, student-athlete should wipe all equipment down including plates and dumbbells with wipes. The strength coach should then spray all equipment after each team leaves.

Facilities Operations

1.       Staff should sanitize or disinfect highly-touched surfaces in common areas every two hours.

2.       Locker Rooms and showers should be closed and off limits.

3.       All restrooms should be cleaned and disinfected every two hours by the facility staff.

4.       Doors should be propped open.

Hopefully, the following protocols and procedures present a clear and concise method of operation that can be utilized at any facility. Besides physically and mentally preparing our student athletes for the demands of his or her sports, strength and conditioning coaches have the obligation to provide the safest training environment possible. By examining the policies in place and conservatively transitioning the students-athletes through an acclimatization period to determine readiness for sport specific activities, coaches should aspire to provide an atmosphere that is bulletproofed and ready for safe and progressive training.