Be Clear

Define your character


The most elite athletes know who they are and what they believe in. they have done the hard work of thinking deeply about the attributes they want at the heart of their life.

 This kind of inner work takes time, & it is done in solitude.

What do you stand for? What core beliefs do you want guiding your life? What attributes do you want engraved on your heart? What kind of brother do you want to be for your unit?


The quality of your inner work determines the quality of your outer work.

Be intentional

Own your character


Behave in a way that shows your Unit they can count on you. Give your teammates repeated experience that shows they can trust you.

Recognize & respond to the Defining Moments when your character and integrity matter most.  These are the events & situations when there is the greatest temptation to compromise your character & core beliefs. When faced with a challenging situation, press pause & ask yourself: “What do my core beliefs tell me to do? What does this situation require of me?”

You build character by repeated acts of courage. By doing the difficult right, not the easy wrong. You become what you choose. When you choose to do what is necessary but difficult, you get stronger. When you compromise & choose shortcuts, you get weaker.

When it gets difficult & you need to reach deep for inner strength, what you will find within you is what you have built within you.

Be Accountable

Pay attention to your character


Have people in your life who tell you the truth & hold you accountable. Everyone needs a truth teller in their life-- someone who is real. Who gives them honest feedback, who them accountable for their actions. Be accountable to your teammates. Follow through on your commitments.  If a teammate challenges you, respond with character.

Be careful who you hang out with. Beware of people who flatter you and tell you how great you are. Stay close to your brothers.

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are nothing but lies.”

Proverbs 27:6