Focus is an intimate concentration on a specific task, which requires total body, wind,
spirit, cohesion and control.

To want something but nothing will get in your way; sickness, a bad day, class, etc. To want something so much, nothing else matters and only doing things that will help one reach a goal. For example, not going out but getting the rest you really need to help you.

Focus is when your mental attention is centered on what you need to do. Nothing else
can get into your head. You are focused.

To concentrate on everything and everyone around you. To know your job as well as the
other players around you. To absorb the teachings from your coach and know it. To
remain humble, to learn, to know your job. To learn from your mistakes. All of this to
me reflects focus.

I think focus is best defined by knowing what you want and knowing the proper way to
get it. One does not let anything distract then when they focused.

One must first determine a vision in which to focus on. Focus is the attention to detail
and determination to make our vision, our reality.

The ability to concentrate on something by ignoring outside, important forces that can
interfere with the task at hand. Taking advantage of all opportunities that facilitate the
task that increase the chances of success.

When someone can resist a temptation in the present to further pursue a goal in the

To concentrate with full attention or energy on one specific task/project.

When you devote your full work ethic — be it mental and physical — to the achievement
of a goal or number of goals.

Concentrating on your responsibility.
It is setting your mind to achieve a specific course or action.
Concentrate at all times on what needs to be done.

Focus is devotion to a particular idea or action. When you are focused on something,
you must be completely dedicated to that task.

By concentrating on what I need to do personally and forgetting about things that stand
in my way. I also think being a leader will help others focus.

  • As defined by Past Players