Just a quick write up on what you can be doing today and things you can do to be productive as school days are suspended.

  1. OBVIOUSLY, Workout! Lots to do here. Do something different in your routine. Maybe do more than you have each day. Go for walks, runs, extended dynamic warm up, go to the track, go find a trail. Work to do lots of push ups, pull ups, body weight squats, lunges, sit ups. Every hour do a set! Train different muscle groups each day, why not! Watch a yoga video on youtube! Get traning in and feel great!

  2. Play sports! Dribble in the basement, play catch, run routes, shoot in the yard/park/school yard, go kick a soccer ball around. Play something you never have or something you have not done in a while!

  3. Catch up on sleep! Get a nap and unplug for while! Re-energize! However, dont sleep all day!

  4. Read! Some suggestions: How Bad Do You Want It, Cant Hurt Me, The Talent Code, The Coddling of the American Mind, Trust Me Im Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, Weight Room Wisdom (I have a story in that one!). OR listen to one of these while you walk, run or bike!

  5. Re watch great movies! Bull Durham, Major League, Youngblood, The Program, All The Rocky’s, All the Beverly Hills Cops and All the Fast and Furious!

  6. Organize! Get your email organized, your desktop or the house.

    These are just a fews things that many people already do but you have time to maybe do a little bit more! Make sure if your routine is thrown off a little, create a new one quick and keep crushing the day!!!!