Keep the ROUTINE!


Just a quick note to make sure we are keeping a routine as our days are a bit different. Just a few quick points.

  1. Wake up around the normal time you usually do. It is fine to sleep in a little but try and keep your clock as normal as possible.

  2. Keep your daily routine as regular as you can. Adjust it as needed with family, maybe include them.

  3. Keep eating as regular and healthy as possible. Keep your eating time close to regular.

  4. Remember to hydrate.

  5. Replace extra time that you have with reading, researching, learning, or going for a walk.

  6. Keep your traning schedule! Maybe you need to add a second dose to keep the volume or intensity of not having a gym, thats fine.

  7. Go to bed around the same time!

  8. Most important plan your day the day before. Check off what you complete! Your success rate will be high!

  9. if you happen to get off schedule: adjust and adapt! keep whats important important!

  10. Keep kicking butt!!