Managing Mindsets - Stacking +1's

Storied college football coach Bo Schembechler was quoted as saying, “Everyday you either get better or get worse, but you never stay the same.”  Now if you have ever read about, researched or watched a video on Bo, you can hear his grough, scratchy voice in your head as you read that famous quote.  The beautiful aspect of this quote is that even though it came from one of the most influential leaders of our industry over 50 years ago, its simplistic nature is even more impactful today than it ever was.

I recently became aware of the legendary figure that is Brandon Lilly.  I started following Brandon on social media after seeing him in action at Sorinex’s Summer Strong 14 conference in South Carolina in May of 2021.  It was there where I discovered a podcast called “The Vigilant Life Podcast” where Brandon was able to share some of his story, but most importantly his approach to all aspects of his life with the “+1 Mindset”, which goes hand in hand with Coach Schembechler’s quote.  Brandon broke down this theory as every day, every encounter, every meal and every thought comes down to either a positive (+1) or negative (-1) experience. This uncomplicated approach can be applied to all aspects of a person’s life.  He stresses to be a +1 to every person you encounter and most importantly, a +1 to yourself.

As a teacher and coach, the +1 mindset approach has been something that has completely recalibrated by approach to every student, athlete, colleague, class, practice, opponent and contest.  As a husband and a father, my home life continues to see a paradigm shift in the most important part of my life’s responsibilities.  I have learned to anticipate and prepare for specific encounters and execute a game plan for positive interactions that can be incredibly impactful. As a result, my ability to stack +1’s every hour of every day is not only something that I savor, but it’s something that I am motivated by. Now I will be the first one to tell you that I experience my fair share of -1’s every single day, definitely more than I desire to experience.  But I recognize them when they happen, and I am even more motivated to turn those specific -1’s into future +1’s.

In all the different areas of my life where I have specific leadership responsibilities and opportunities, the +1 mindset approach simplified and focused my approach to relationship establishment, development and maintenance.  I can serve others and be a beacon of positivity to them.  In turn, I will be surrounded by people who can support and encourage me with their positive reinforcement.  As a result, we can constantly build eachother up, hold each other accountable and celebrate our victories together.

I find it most encouraging that creating +1 encounters, by nature, requires zero talent.  It does take effort, intentionality and it might get us out of our comfort zones, but it does not require us to be strong in a certain discipline.  Starter or role player. Captain or underclassman.  Veteran or rookie.  It does not matter where you are in your organization.  What does matter is your approach to your role and how you can excel in that position by fostering positive experience in all your encounters.

Life is extremely fragile.  Perspectives are easily misconstrued and manipulated.  Groups of people with differing opinions can be divisive and dangerous.  Now, more than ever, our mindset’s matter.  They are important to our own health and well being.  They are vital to the people we do life with.  I firmly believe if we all can collectively commit to stacking as many positive experiences as we can while striving to avoid negative encounters, we can work to be the people that we were all created to be.  

Keep stacking +1’s

Curt Copeland

PE Teacher/Coach

South Christian High School

(Grand Rapids, Mi)