When it comes to relationships most fall into one of two categories; Transactional or Transformational.

Transactional relationships are ones where people only engage or invest in the relationship when they feel or expect they will get something in return. This is a common approach because it is easier and more in the moment. The rewards are short lived but lack the deep roots that will be needed for long-term success.

Transformational relationships are a long-term investment where you pour into the relationship expecting nothing in return. This is an investment in the other person and the genuineness of the relationship, not for your own gain. The reward of these relationships can last a lifetime and come back to you in ways you could never expect.

Investing in transformational relationships have a compounding effect. The rewards gained in this type of relationship come from seeing the person you impacted pass that gift along to others. That is the true reward!

Those you choose to develop relationships with the most and keep closest to you will have the largest impact on you. A great friend of mine taught me that you are the average of the five people closest to you. We should all choose wisely to who those five people are.

Your 5 people might not be who you think either. The 5 people closest to you are the ones that control your thoughts the most. For some they could be the author they read, podcast they listen to, a friend, spouse, parent, or co-worker. The ones who effect your thoughts the most are the ones who will have the greatest impact on our lives.

As we move in the direction of our most dominant thoughts, our lives will trend in the direction of those who are impacting our thoughts the most. If you want to see your future, look at your circle and there it will appear.

To wrap up, seek out genuine transformational relationships and invest in them. Build your circle with those who value those relationships and continue to impact those around you.

Kenny Goodrich

Associate Director Athletic Performance/Olympic Sports