The Difference USA Striking Machine Workouts

This is the ultimate striking machine to aid in correct hand placement and striking, to take your football skills to the next. Below our workouts I use to help players develop.

Defensive Line

1 Kneeling Double Punch 20x Airex Pad    

2a 2pt Stance Step & Punch 2x5 EA Right Foot & Left Foot Lead

2b 3pt Stance/Get-Off & Punch 2x5 EA Right Foot & Left Foot Lead    

3 3pt Stance/Punch & Release 2x5 EA Lateral Release RT & LT    

4 Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge 5x Using Crayon shield

Skill / Big Skill

1 2pt Double Punch 10x      

2 2pt Step & Punch R/L  2x5 EA Alternating R/L    

3 Alternating Rapid Punch 3x15 sec      

4 2pt Stance/ Punch & Release 2x6 EA Positional Release RT & LT

OL / Tight End (Option 1)

1 Double Punch 10x 1a Single Punch R/L 10 EA  

2a Same Hand Step & Punch  2x5 EA

2b Opp. Step & Punch 2x5 EA  

3a 3pt Stance Step & Punch 2x5 EA

3b Shuffle & Punch Down & Back   3x Up & Back

OL / Tigh Ends (Option 2)

1a Punch Target: R/L Shoulder 2x15 sec  

1b Plank- Push Up 2x10      

2a Band Resisted Punch (Red Band Back-Pack) 3x10  

2b Set & Strike (Draw Principles) 3x5 EA RT & LT    

3a Rocker Pass-Pro Footwork (Post, 45⁰, Vert.) 3x20 sec  

3b Zone Footwork Steps (Inside & Outside)   2x5 EA