Training High School Athletes

  1. Train consistently, you can can still train if you are a multi-sport athlete

  2. Progression - your training has program has to have progression - weight, reps, time under tension

  3. Do body weight strength exercise: Push ups and pull-ups,… even if the exercise is difficult…STILL DO IT!

  4. Perfect Basic Strength Movements, the athletes will gain confidence

  5. Let them run, jump and have fun. Don’t get too specific too early.

  6. Educate on basic habit, sleep and eat

  7. Preach multiple sports, if they don’t play multiple sports then have them involved in athletic development on top of strength training.

  8. They need volume, they need to train hard and strain and understand why.

  9. Train crawling, rolling, cartwheels, jumping, landing, etc

  10. They need an invested coach to teach, demand and have a high standard of performance