This week for sure you need a pen and paper! Re-read and take some notes, Thanks Coach Folino for giving us a great perspective on what it takes…. Now is the time!


Success is  defined as The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. There are many different paths that can be taken in order to achieve your perceived success. In the world of Strength and Conditioning there is a common saying that is thrown around when talking about success and that phrase is “ there are a million ways to skin a cat”. In the case of success, the path to reaching your goals/ purpose is ever changing and infinite. When  thinking about success and how it can be achieved, there are a few things that come to mind: goal setting, persistence, work ethic, enthusiasm and never ever forgetting where you came from and who helped you get to where you are today. These are the attributes I believe help coaches and other professionals achieve success in their occupation and in life.

Goal setting-

You have to set goals. Period. If you do not set goals you are sabotaging yourself from the get go. Setting your goals is the blueprint for your success. Your goals have to be visible and readily available to you, not written down and locked away. There needs to be a constant reminder of what you are working for and what you're willing to do to get there. Your goals need to be clear, concise and lofty- short and long term alike. Your goals will change over time, but as long as you are constantly evaluating yourself and where you want to go,  you have taken the first step toward achieving success.


More often than not things aren't always going to go your way, especially in the field of strength and conditioning. You learn really fast that you have to have a certain toughness about you in order to keep pushing through all of the small day to day and big life obstacles thrown your way. YOU HAVE TO BE A FIGHTER. Don't back down from any challenge. Stay focused on what and who is important. 

Work ethic- 

Your work ethic is the driving force to achieving success. Be a GRINDER. If you're not willing to work then you're not ready to handle the success you want to achieve. Work in a holistic manner and finish every job with maximal effort. If you do a half ass job, you should expect half ass results. Everything in strength and conditioning and most avenues of life is earned and never given. Consistently working on your personal development, your duties at work and your duties at home/ in life will set you up to achieve your goals and successes.

Energy and enthusiasm-

Working hard is one thing. Being able to work hard with contagious enthusiasm and energy is another. Of the attributes that make a great strength and conditioning coach, energy and enthusiasm is important for the student athletes you train as well as your colleagues. I don't have to sit here and say how hard being a strength coach is, but I can't imagine how much harder it would be to work with a bunch of energy vampires. I am fortunate enough to have people around me that bring contagious energy to work every day and through that contagious energy we make each other better. Energy and enthusiasm changes moods, changes momentum and changes games. Consistent, contagious energy and enthusiasm day after day makes taking those steps toward your goals more attainable.

Don't forget who helped you-

Last but certainly not least is making sure to never forget about the people that helped you get to where you are today. All the mentors, friends, family and people that you encounter are in your life for a reason. Make sure to recognize the people who made an impression or impact on you or helped you along your journey to success. You didn't get there by yourself. I had a coach that always used to say if you want to go far , you can't go alone, you have to go together. Never forget who helped you along your journey, recognize those individuals AND NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

Everyone has their own path to success and ways to get there. These are the steps I am currently taking to find my own success in strength and conditioning and life. I’m thankful for people  who have encouraged me and made me better thus far.  By setting goals, being persistent, working my ass off, attacking every day with enthusiasm and energy and never forgetting where I came from, I think I have a good shot at achieving something special.   

I would like to thank a number of people-

My Mother ,Father and 7 siblings, my wife , Coach Ken Mannie , Coach Mike Vorkapich,Coach Tommy Hoke,Coach Lorenzo Guess, Coach Bill Burghardt, Coach Rick Court, Coach Zach Higgins , Coach Niko Palazeti, Coach Brady Collins Coach Parker Showers , Coach Dustin Tripp, Coach Austin Stephan,  Coach Dre Ward , Coach Jeremiah Ortiz, Coach Jimmy Rodenberg and Coach Bill Feraco.

You all have made me a better coach and better person, THANK YOU. 

Danny Folino

Assistant Director of Football Sports Performance 

University of Cincinnati