This is the time of year that prospective strength coaches start an internship. When done right it can be the greatest experience you ever have that can set you up for a great future. Below is a great run down on what can be expected at a GREAT internship program! Get ready to take notes!!


The goal of our internship program is to prepare young men and women to be the future of the Sports Performance profession. Our staff takes great pride in the development of each and every individual that is accepted into our program. Our vision is to leave the Sports Performance profession better than it was when we first arrived. Collectively as a staff, this is our way to give back to the profession we love and cherish so much and is why this is THE BEST internship opportunity in the country.


 We do the best job possible to eliminate confusion in every aspect of our program. The meetings that do occur will always be in the best interest & development of the intern even if not understood immediately. Our staff will go over all workouts, exercises (which includes proper execution of the exercises), teach interns how to coach all athletes, intern education, spotting, cleaning, safety, motivation etc. Interns can expect to have honest feedback on any particular topic. Our staff will always have clear concise and direct communication with the interns.

           Our interns are seen as a very integral piece to the daily operations of our sports performance staff. It is our cohesion and flow that allows us to operate at extremely high levels. Every intern will have built a significant relationship with the full-time coaches on staff. This will be discussed in detail later.


           Our interns will go through a vary rigorous internship curriculum throughout their duration with our staff. The curriculum will vary in content but will be sure to challenge every intern both mentally and physically! One piece that we value very highly as a part of our program are our weekly intern education classes. Typically, these meetings happen every Wednesday where a member of our staff will go over and discuss topics with the group. Topics range from article discussion, programming, excel workshops, resumes, cover letters, mock interviews etc. We also go over CSCCa exam prep. This prep course will provide interns with the knowledge to be able to sit and pass the CSCCa-SCCC exam. Our staff will put each intern in the exact scenario that will be required of them come test day so they will know what to expect and there will be no confusion.


           Staff cohesion is something we take very seriously. The relations we cultivate are ones meant to last a lifetime. Past interns can confirm that the mentoring process does not end once your time with us is done. Former interns should keep in touch with us even after their time because we genuinely care about each individual that steps foot into our program. Our staff will exhaust every resource available to help interns no matter where they currently sit, where it be to help with a programming question, help getting a job or even just when times get tough and they need someone to talk to. Our intern cookout is a hit every year and is a great end of the semester reward for all of our interns. A member from the sports performance staff invites the intern group over to their house where we grill out and commemorate the semester! This is a great reward for our interns for all their hard work throughout the semester.


The last piece is the ultimate reward for every intern that EARNS it! Again, this something that is EARNED not given and ultimately the power is in your hands. If you work hard, have great attention to detail, and show up to work everyday with a smile on your face ready to attack any and everything that may come your way, then this should be no issue for you. Our staff will do everything in our power to help you reach every goal you have for yourself and in some cases help push you beyond goals you never knew you could reach!

Ultimately, we want the best for every person that accepts the challenge of interning with our staff and will do everything possible to advance them in this profession.

Antonio Turner (aka:AT)

Director of Football Sports Performance