Bowl Game Preperation

As the fall semester and regular season comes to an end teams are getting ready for a bowl game. This is one of the best times of the year. Although the weekly schedule is not quite as hectic there are still many important things on the table. In most cases you have about 4-5 weeks that you need to finish strong academically, stay sharp on the field, develop and refresh. I’ll take you through a typical few weeks leading up to departing for a bowl game.

Week 1

1.       Go to class! Get in the academic center! Staff is out checking class!

2.       In the week you typically strength train 2-3X. Total Body and Conditioning.

3.       Weight room is open for extra development, usually there is an additional lift based on how many plays you played in the season and/or your development level. Keep things fun and fresh. Introduce new things you may utilize in the winter program. In some years I have had Senior lifts where they made the workout.

4.       Players have self-scout film cut-ups to watch.

5.       Weekend is either off or you typically have short meetings and practice Friday and Saturday.

6.       Breakfast/lunch/dinner are mandatory… Red Card App is a great tool for lunch so the players can eat outside the building.

Week 2

1.       Class, finals, academic center! Finish strong.

2.       Weight Room has open hours (typically 6am-5pm) around academic schedule. Players get in 2-3 lifts/conditioning based on season participation/development. Players have access to the weight room if they want more training.

3.       Coaches are in and out from recruiting meeting with players.

4.       Breakfast mandatory and Red Card lunch. Dinner provided (usually not mandatory)

5.       Players have self-scout film cut-ups.

6.       Weekend practice usually Friday-Sunday with meetings

Week 3

1.       Finals/Schools is usually complete!

2.       Regular meeting and practice week.

3.       Usually a day schedule looks like this:

a.       Breakfast/treatment

b.       Team Meeting

c.       Position Meetings or OFFENSE Lift/DEFENSE Lift (Flip)

d.       Practice

e.       Meal

4.       This would typically be done in the late morning to early afternoon.

These are some typical examples of bowl week preparation. The main goals are to finish strong in academics, stay sharp on the field, develop in the weight room and field, and refresh!


Attack your day!