Discipline is....

What discipline is:


            Discipline is: Educating and Correcting

            Discipline is not: Dismissal


            Discipline is: Anticipate and confronting potential problems

            Discipline is not: Being a coward and not getting involved


            Discipline is: Becoming a major influence in your player’s lives.  Developing a                         relationship that will continue beyond your players playing days

            Discipline is not: an 8-5 job


            Discipline is: Being Firm & Fair, taking ownership and handling the issue and    enforcement of that issue yourself

            Discipline is not: Handing issues to other people and having them follow thru                               with the system

            Discipline is: Daily reminders of Core Values, acceptable behavior, open

                                  discussion about issues. Honesty in your group.

            Discipline is not:  Fake Conversation


            Discipline is: Gaining the respect of your players - so they will talk honestly

                                  with you about issues.

            Discipline is not: Zero relationship with your players


            Discipline is: Creating a sacred ground in your meeting room.  Honesty,                            accountability and pride is what makes it work

            Discipline is not: A meeting room without respect, accountability, and chemistry           


Once you lose discipline in group, it is extremely hard to get back!