The Why "Hydration" and How it Relates to Performance


•The condition of having adequate fluid in the body tissues.

What is water and why is it important

•Chemical compound H2O

•Vital compound for ALL LIVING MATTER, needed for survival

•Water covers 71% of Earth’s Surface

•Only 2.5% of Earth’s Water is freshwater

•Water composes 70% of BODY WEIGHT

•Water accounts for 75 % of MUSCLE MASS

•Water accounts for 80% of Brain Mass

Why is hydration important?

•Necessary for cardiovascular performance

•Crucial for thermoregulatoy functions

•Body cannot function properly without it

What is dehydration?

•An abnormal depletion of body fluids/sweat loss not compensated by fluid intake

•80% of the normal population is in a dehydrated state

•Dehydration causes muscle cramps and muscle pulls

•Dehydration increases ones risk for heat illness; heat exhaustion and life threatening heat stroke

•Heat illnesses risks are greater in hot, humid weather

•Dehydration at greater than 2% of BW can impair athletic performance

•As you sweat, your blood and organs will pull fluid from your muscle

•Severe dehydration can also lead to Rhabdomyolysis

What are the signs of dehydration?

•Thirst / Dry Sticky Mouth

•Dark Urine Color


•Sunken Eyes

•Mental Changes(trouble focusing, light headaches, dizziness)

•Racing Heartbeat

•Stop Sweating

What are the consequences of dehydration?

•Increase in Core Temp during physical activity - .15 to .20 degrees C  for every 1% of BW lost

•Core temp strain that influences a greater cardiovascular strain, rise in heart rate by 3-5 BPM for every 1% BW lost

•Further Injury to musculoskeletal system includes glycogen dehydration, elevation muscle temp, increased lactate levels.

•Research shows dehydrated athlete has 2% strength decrease / 3% power decrease / 10% high intensity decrease

•Dehydration can lead to decrease in brain volume and you may be more susceptible to concussions

•During intense exercise with dehydration of active muscle. Water decline of 1.2% for each 1% decrease in BW

•Explosive athletes with more muscle glycogen/ mass need more H2O to metabolize the glycogen (rocket fuel)

•Dehydration leads to a 1.2% decrease in active muscle volume(size) for every 1% decrease in BW, increasing injury potential

What are championship hydration practices?

•Pre Event

•75% of BW in Fluid oz.’s, non-carbonated, non -alcoholic, non -caffeinated

•Goal: begin exercise fully hydrated with normal electrolyte levels

•Eat fruits/veg with high H2O content

•Salty foods to retain fluid and stimulate thirst

•“Hydrate” steadily throughout day

What are championship hydration practices?

•During Event

•Goal: prevent hydration (> than 2% of BW from H2O loss) excessive changes in electrolyte balance

•Fluid replacement 3-8 oz range 0-8% carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage(G2/Gatorade) every 10-20 minutes

What are championship hydration practices?

•Goal: fully replenish any fluid and electrolyte deficit from practice / workout

•Consume 20 ozs for every LB lost from practice/workout

•Athlete must consume these fluids within 6 hours of practice/workout

•H2O is effective… sports drinks AND food consumption help replace electrolytes because of NA and Cl lost

•Avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages… cause rapid dehydration

•For Example: if you lose 3 lbs from a practice. Drink 3 Gatorade bottles before you leave facility 

Hydration Summary/Dehydration Prevention?

•Practicing or training in an under hydrated state will negatively affect performance

•If you’re thirsty, it is too late

•Rise in Core Temp, early fatigue, and decreased performance are some factors in a dehydrated state

•H2O is primary method of re-hydration, sports drinks can be utilized to maintain electrolyte balance

•Hydration is beneficial for performance as well as physiological functions

•Hydrate before bed, hydrate after urination at night, hydrate 1st thing in morning

•Fruits and vegetables help hold fluids in body

•Carbohydrates (pastas, rice, grains, bread) also help to hold fluids

•Check URINE COLOR CHART or HYDRATION BOARD to insure proper hydration levels