The Why "Sleep" and How it Relates to Performance

Its always important to explain “the why” . I never wanted anything on the walls that the players could not see regularly, know and understand. This post goes with the sleep blog I wrote a few weeks ago. In the locker room I had huge signs that read “THE WHY”. Each sign was a different topic that was very important to your athletic develop and things I believe are huge for creating great habits as the players moved through life.

The signs were always by the showers and bathrooms because that is the place in a locker room everybody goes to regularly. The signs were a can’t miss. I always went over the signs when the new players came into the program. Then they were referred to often, so the players could never say I did not know! Today’s “why” is Sleep! I will post a different one everyday this week!!!! Attack your day!!

Why Do ATHLETES Need Sleep?

1. Restore Muscle Growth

2. Protein Synthesis

3. Soft Tissue Repair/Stimulates Healing

4. Growth Hormone is Released

5. Chance to clear Adenosine (by products of brain cellular activity)

6. Boosts cognitive function (reaction time/hand eye coordination)

How Much Sleep Do ATHLETES Need?

1. 8-10 uninterrupted hours of sleep per day, dark quiet, cool temperature

2. 20 hours of sleep deprivation negative impact on academic and athletic performance

3. Sleep Debt: Negative Effect on cognitive function, mood, reaction time

What are the Effects of Lack of Sleep?

1. Results in decrease of metabolism of

glucose, slower storage of glycogen (ENERGY)

2. Level of Cortisol Increases stress

hormones that can slow down

healing, increase the risk of injuries, and

worsen memory. It also lowers levels of

growth hormone that helps repair the body.

3. Effects decision making and reflexes.

Studies have shown that athletes who

don't get enough sleep are worse

at making split-second decisions.

4. Weakening of Immune Systems

5. Memory Issues


7. Could Prevent an athlete from

responding to heavy training and

lead to over-training and/or injury.


What Can Affect Sleep Patterns?

1. Stress/Anxiety

2.Alcohol/Drugs (THC) "Partying"

·Disturbs the deeper stages - REM Sleep

·Takes 2-3 days to fully recover

from 1 night of partying

·Suppression of Normal hormone Levels

·Limits ability to think, remember and

respond quickly.

·Limits Athletic and Academic Performance

·Reduces Testosterone Levels

·Decreases sleep quality

3. Over-training

Tips for Quality Sleep (REM)

1. No caffeine

2. Turn off TV or bright lights.

3. Go to bathroom before bed.

Can't sleep after 45 minutes. Read for 15

minutes and return.

4. Power Naps 20-30 minutes in afternoon.

Any longer, than 30 minutes and you

become sluggish