How to REALLY use a chart

Usually we just use a chart to get numbers and a place to start with training. It is really important to use it to truly progress as well, with individual intensity or volume. Below the chart can be used to manipulate how much volume or intensity you want used on a given day. This is just an example one chart used in a progression.

how to use:

  • the bold is an estimated rep max.

  • the first 5x3 is your regular working sets

  • the gold set is the recorded set and will set your tone for the rest of the workout or your bump for the next workout.

  • the gold set can be ALL OUT (+), stop at 3, or stop at 5. Then access where you want to go.

  • the x 3,2 set are suggestions to do based on the RPE or intensity of the gold set.

  • ex: if u crush the gold set, go ahead and crush the 3 rep set, If you crush that then crush the 2 set. Then if you need volume knock out the 3 x 5… how do you access to do the sets under the gold set? If the gold set is difficult and you barley get 3 or less, skip the 3,2 sets. Then hit the 3x5 sets.

  • if you get to the gold set and barley get it or you dont need the extra volume. You are finished.

  • If you want lower intensity just use the 3X5 (65%).

  • there are many other ways to manipulate this chart!!!!!! To use all year!

  • It is a great chart to individualize the athletes. Who needs more volume, more sets and reps and who doesn’t.

    Please email if you have anymore questions on how to manipulate this chart!!!!

% numbers.PNG